Monday, November 19, 2007

Benefits of Your Dog's Diet Including Fiber

We already know that there are benefits of including fiber in our diets, but are there any in your dog's diet? Fiber was considered to be just filler in the past, but fiber's nutritional value in a dog's diet has finally been realized in the present.

What is fiber? Fiber is a portion of carbohydrates. Also, fiber isn't greatly digestible. Fiber can benefit your dog's diet in the appropriate portions. Similar to humans, excessive fiber can have adverse effects to the digestive system. It's important to keep track of your dog's diet in order to maintain a suitable fiber level for your dog's needs. Discuss the benefits of making fiber part of your dog's diet with your vet.

Obesity is a health issue suffered by both people and pets. Pet's become overweight far too often. Making fiber a part of your dog's diet is a great way to assist your dog lose any excess weight. Keeping a good healthy weight is very important to not only the longevity of your dog's life, but to the it's overall quality as well. We know that weight loss can't be accomplished by fiber alone, but fiber can make a difference. Your dog will be kept feeling content and full without a tremendous amount of calories because of fiber.

Dogs that achieve their weight goals might require a bit extra fiber in their diets to keep that desired weight. Combining both fiber and rigid portion control will allow you to be able to produce a dog diet that's not only healthy, but satisfying for your dog as well.

Like humans, dogs can suffer from constipation. As long as your dog's diet contains fiber, it will assist in preventing constipation from occurring. Your dog's diet should contain higher levels of fiber the older your dog becomes. Older dogs usually have to deal with constipation more than younger dogs. Because of this you'll notice higher fiber content in foods designed for senior dogs.

Obviously, fiber helps to keep things moving, but how? Fiber absorbs water. Due to this water absorption, the intestinal contents have more bulk. It is this bulk is what induces movement through the intestinal tract. The movement time through the bowels becomes more regular and normalized.

The right amount of fiber in your dog's diet will add to fecal consistency. You'll know when your dog is receiving the right amount of fiber because your dog will need to be taken out on a regular basis. Excessive fiber in your dog's diet will have messy results.

When utilized in moderation, fiber is beneficial to your dog's health when it's included in your dog's diet. Remember to speak with your vet in regards to the right amount of fiber to include in your dog's diet.